11 July 2000 Meeting Minutes

Lebanon Public Library Meeting Room

Pursuant to Notice given all members of the Board of Directors via Electronic Mail, the Monthly Meeting convened upon Terry McCain calling the same to order acting on behalf of John Wallace who could not attend for business reasons.

The meeting was called to Order by Terry and the agenda was pursued as previously distributed via E-Mail and supplemented by Terry. Board Members present were Cheryl Walden,Terry McCain,Jane Brandenburg,Carl Corson and Member Rebecca Hull.

ITEM I:System Administrator’s Report: - Terry reported that the site had 3777 hits for the prior month. News bits are being distributed via email today. Updates to the Prosecutor’s site, nonprofits and election results by precinct were offered and discussed by Terry.

ITEM II: Treasurer’s Report: - Carl reported that not much money had been spent this past month. We are looking good right now and seem to be having more income than outflow. He had several handouts showing the membership list compiled from dues payments. The current funds balance showed $ 44,949.57. Expenditures from the Lilly Phase IV grant were also listed. Not much of that money has gone out yet. More will be distributed next month as we get into full swing on the grants from applicants. Carl concluded by saying that the membership lists have been billed to those parties who need to be billed.

ITEM III: Community Foundation Boone County/Lilly/Items:

Terry followed up with more information on the several nonprofit sites that are in progress as a result of the grant process. A complete list of those completed and those in progress was passed out as part of Terry’s written report. As a result Terry had several people contact the administrator for registration on the email directory for the site. This was deemed to be a success for promotion of the organization.

Several random topics were then discussed, not necessarily in the order on the agenda. Jane reported that the swim club had passed out the promotional magnets, pens and pencils successfully in the 4th of July parade last week. This was deemed a success as several new additions to the directory were sent forward to Terry.

Rebecca mentioned that hardly anyone had responded to her query on a new banner for the corporation. A note had been sent to all but only Carl had responded. She showed some examples and had general guidelines for price from a couple of vendors in the area. A color scheme of royal blue on white was discussed and agreed upon. This is similar to the color scheme that the library has used successfully for some time. The one that the group preferred had ropes and grommets included with the price of purchase. The purchase was approved based upon the prior request and recommendation from Rebecca.

Discussion next followed on several opportunities for promotion and marketing. Jane mentioned that Thorntown was doing a sports boosters program similar to Lebanon. There was nominal cost involved compared to the exposure that could be gained. Dave mentioned that the Lebanon sports booster ads had an upcoming deadline of the 15th of this month. Their program is printed for advertising at all home sporting events as well. Jayne will call Pam Shelby this afternoon and let them know we are interested and determine rates. Jayne made a motion to place business card size ads in all county sports booster programs. Upon second from Carl the motion passed unanimously. This discussion also brought up the Zionsville Fall festival and the Thorntown Turing leaves where brochures of BCCN can be distributed.

Discussion then turn to the excellent work that Kathy Fox is doing with her students and the Community Foundation of Boone County. Terry reported that the Health Department site is progressing well also. This site is about 95% done and includes the application for Birth Certificates for on-line to allow those interested in purchasing the same.

Carl inquired about the possibility of government support for the costs of the various sites. An update on earlier discussion before came onto the board was offered to explain where we are in that process by Dave and Terry.

There are some changes being made to the Lebanon Education Foundation site. Jamestown has requested an update on their site to add the information about their new park.

ITEM IV: SoftWare/Hardware Update:

Terry indicated that the new software that has been downloaded will allow for virtual domain. This should occur soon. (As soon as Terry has the time – and the bears and moose cooperate !) (aka: Mike gets home from the great Northern trek)
Terry is also lacking time to order the new hardware that will be part of the grant awarded. We are looking for a digital projector, a digital camera, and laptop. Carl said he would take care of this and then be reimbursed as it will be easier to use a personal credit card to place the order. The issue of storage of the items, once purchased was discussed briefly. Areas suggested included the BCCF Office ion Zionsville, the REMC Office in Lebanon and the BCSSI Office in Lebanon.

A draft questionnaire concerning the not for profits was passed out. Terry asked for comments on the same as it will soon be needed for work in the grant process. Terry asked about the contact for the Boone County email address resolution. Dave advised that the contact for the Network Administration of Boone County would be Tim Williams, the representative of the contract network administrator. Terry will follow up with him as he had contacted her earlier in the month regarding how to go about registration of the domain name for Boone County.

NEW BUSINESS: A church listing has been compiled for the site. There will be one page for each church and will provide basic information about address, phone and contact for those who seek this information. There will be a cost of $ 20.00 associated with this information.
BCCN has an intern ! Kathy has offered some space for this student who had volunteered to come to the BCCN Office (Taj Mahal ? – No – the LHS Closet – Sorry Guy !) Kathy graciously indicated she would provide space, web access and supervision for this person who signed up for this job !
The City of Lebanon has embarked on a program to place the new zoning and planning code on line. Greg Smallwood, the Citys’ grant administrator, is putting this stuff in HTML and PDF format as the code is transcribed.

Kelly Murphy, former board member has moved on to his new job in Merrillville, IN. Good Luck Kelly ! Discussion moved to start thinking about his replacement in the near future. Several names of potential candidates were discussed.

The meeting adjourned at 1:20 p.m.

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Last updated: 29 December 2000/jjw.
This page maintained by John Wallace, BCCN.